All work and no play makes Mark a dull boy

Mark Roble, Senior Designer
Mark Roble

Hailing from Clearwater, Florida, Mark has been online and using computers as long as he can remember. Stemming from a love of video games and technology, he has turned this fascination into a career in web design.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in design, Mark has since worked for agencies and in higher ed. Being a part of a team and collaborating with others across various disciplines is how he does his best work. Taking the time to do things the best way and not just the simplest way is Mark’s work ethic. Constantly striving to progress and innovate, no one task is too diminutive to be overlooked—”God is in the details.”

Outside of work, you can find Mark on his couch with his cat, Zelda, watching whatever NHL game is currently on and/or possibly listening to some old midwest emo record. He also loves to travel, play video games (when they don’t get too frustrating), go to sporting events and concerts, visit art galleries and museums, and check out the great outdoors when the weather is nice. Mark always places family first and they are his number one reason for getting out of bed every morning.

Mark Roble

Outside Work

  • Watching Sports

    Watching sports
  • Travel

  • Zelda

  • Playing Sports

    Playing sports